Mold and mildew has become more of a concern over the last 10 years due to the increase coverage by the news, the home buying and selling community and research that is being done on mold at major medical center throughout the world. The word stachybotryschartarum known to the public as black mold or toxic mold had created much panic and numerous questions about the safety of anyone dealing with these issues. Large settlements were awarded to individuals who initiated lawsuits against their insurance companies or land lords. In the past people have demolished or just left their properties when they discovered mold growing.
Toxic mold is a type of mold that has the potential to produce dangerous byproducts, called mycotoxins. The elderly, pregnant women, children individuals with respiratory conditions, allergies or any type of auto immune conditions are at greater risk for having serious medical related conditions. These mycotoxins are microscopic and travel through the air and have the potential to land on almost anything.
Health issues vary from person to person depending on the age, the type of mold, spore count, length of exposure and your health. Symptoms may range from common flu like to life treating so this is something that you should take very serious and prevention should always be the goal. Your initial symptoms may be those related to your respiratory system because the toxic mold spores are microscopic and travel through the air and can land on almost anything. You may experience difficulty breathing which can progress to asthma with progressive cough that get worse as time goes on. Other symptoms may include chronic sinus infections, sore throat, runny eyes, nasal congestion, headaches or fatigue.
Removing mold from any property can be challenging and when you are dealing with black toxic mold this is a difficult process which should be handled by a certified professional who had special training. Toxic mold cannot only cause structural problems it can have significant health related medical concerns. Once established it will not go away until you kill the mold, it roots which can be very deep below the surface and the spores which can be resistant to treatment.
One of the first things you should do is to determine the reason for the black mold. Most research suggests that mold is directly related to moisture and humidity. When you keep moisture levels between 40 to 60 % you chances of having any type of mold elated incident is greatly reduced It is recommended that you invest in a hygrometer which is portable and can measure humidity in various area of your property. Your entire home should have detailed inspection looking for any signs of mold or water leaks.
Mold removal is known as mold remediation which should be handled by a certified remediation specialist. Once your testing has confirmed the types of mold and the spore count it is critical that a treatment protocol be created which will give detailed information on the remediation process. Once this is completed a follow up mold testing should be done to ensure that your indoor air quality is back to acceptable levels.